Mont-Rebei Classic Routes

For rock climbers from all over the globe, Mont-Rebei is synonymous with adventure; a magical place where you’re guaranteed a once-in-a-lifetime experience tackling its two famous walls.
This itinerary offers you four routes: two in Mont-Rebei, and two equally as spectacular routes in nearby areas that require slightly less physical exertion, alternating high-intensity routes with lower-intensity ones.

Let us take you on an unforgettable week along these mythical routes in Montsec!

Day 1. Arrival at Montfalcó: Introduction to the itinerary and settling into the rooms.
Day 2. Urquiza-Olmo ridge. 545 m 6a (V+ oblig.). Montfalcó.
Day 3. No t’Engalletis route. 235 m 6b (V+ oblig.). Canelles Wall.
Day 4. Santiago Domingo route. 415 m V+/Ae (oblig.). Mont-Rebei (Aragón Wall).
Day 5. Diedro Gris route. 410 m 6a+ (V+ oblig.). Mont-Rebei (Catalonia Wall).


Activities only

1 person: €985.00 / 2 persons: €550.00

Accommodation and activities

Double room: 1 person: €1,120.00 / 2 persons: €645.00

Group room: 1 person: €1,034.00 / 2 persons: €620.00


    • All accommodation and activity booking and management fees.
    • Technical advice before and after the itinerary.
    • Four nights half-board at Montfalcó Mountain Refuge.
    • Four days of guided activities (with qualified high-mountain and hiking guides).
    • All technical and safety equipment.
    • Insurance and taxes.

Book now!

Fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can. Thanks for choosing us.

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    Finalidad: envío de información sobre productos y servicios propios al suscrito.
    Legitimación: consentimiento;
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    Derechos: acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional.
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