Back to School!

We love accompanying you during the learning process and seeing how you gain more confidence by tackling increasingly more difficult routes!
Here we have a series of courses to help you take your first steps or sharpen your skills in the world of rock climbing!
We offer courses lasting between two and four days, depending on your level and availability:

  • SPORT CLIMBING BEGINNERS COURSE. For those who want their first taste of the sport.
  • MULTI-PITCH SPORT CLIMBING BEGINNERS COURSE. Designed for those who already have some experience in sport climbing and want to start tackling equipped multi-pitch routes.
  • CLASSIC CLIMBING COURSE. For those who already do multi-pitch courses and want to take a leap into a more adventurous type of climbing.
  • SUMMIT PROGRESSION TECHNIQUES COURSE. Designed for those who already have experience climbing but would like to learn to plan for and tackle these type of routes, as they have specific progression techniques that must be learned in order to safely and comfortably handle yourselves in this type of terrain.
  • WALL SELF-RESCUE COURSE. Every climber needs to know these self-rescue techniques and manoeuvres: being prepared for any eventuality is a vital safety aspect.
  • VIA FERRATA SAFETY AND PROGRESSION COURSE. Via ferratas are not just routes that you can simply turn up to with a lanyard and hope for the best. This course will teach you how to progress safely and equip you with basic climbing techniques and manoeuvres that will get you to the end in one piece.



SPORT CLIMBING BEGINNERS COURSES. From €75 per day of training per person.

MULTI-PITCH SPORT CLIMBING BEGINNERS COURSE. From €80 per day of training per person.

CLASSIC CLIMBING COURSE. From €85 per day of training per person.

SUMMIT PROGRESSION TECHNIQUES COURSE. From €80 per day of training per person.

WALL SELF-RESCUE COURSE. From €85 per day of training per person.

VIA FERRATA SAFETY AND PROGRESSION COURSE. From €75 per day of training per person.


Take advantage of a 10% discount on your stay at Montfalcó Mountain Refuge when you book at least two nights half board.


All accommodation and activity booking and management fees.
Technical advice before and after the course.
Two to four days of training (with qualified high-mountain and hiking guides).
All technical and safety equipment.
Insurance and taxes.

Book now!

Fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can. Thanks for choosing us.

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